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                        WG 9.4: Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries

13th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries


                Track 1: Themes, Insights and Agendas for ICT4D Research and Practice


Chairs: Petter Nielsen (University of Oslo, Norway)  

              Sundeep Sahay (University of Oslo, Norway)


This is a general track for those papers that do not fit easily with any of the specific tracks but yet are in the domain of ICT4D.

We anticipate a wide range of contributions and position papers that seek to identify interesting areas of future ICT4D research. 


We would like to see contributions that bring novel insights and that ask what are the future, new, and emerging areas for ICT4D

research and practice? Where are the gaps in theory and where do we need new practices? Is our methodology adequate

today and in the future? Are there new ideas or new ways of thinking from ICT4D or development studies more broadly which can

bring our field forth? Are there domains, countries and regions that are neglected in our research?


We welcome empirical, methodological and theoretical contributions. While we hope that all papers relate to the theme of

“openness in ICT4D”, we also expect some contributions without this specific focus. We still ask you to provide a final concluding

paragraph relating to the issue of “openness”.


For more information, please contact pnielsen[at]ifi.uio.no.

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