Introducing IFIP Working Group 9.4 |
The Working Group on the Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries is dedicated to research and action in the social issues of informatics in the Third World.
Officially designated as Working Group 9.4 of the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) the group has the following Aims and Scope.
- To collect, exchange and disseminate experiences of developing countries;
- To develop a consciousness amongst professionals, policy makers and public on social implications of computers in developing nations;
- To develop criteria, methods, and guidelines for design and implementation of culturally adapted information systems;
- To create a greater interest in professionals from industrialized countries to focus on issues of special relevance to developing countries through joint activities with other Technical Committees.
- National computerization policy issues;
- Culturally adapted computer technology and information systems;
- Role of transnational corporations, regional and international cooperation and self- sufficiency in informatics;
- Social awareness of computers and computer literacy.
WG 9.4 invites researchers and practitioners of developing and industrialized countries to join its activities. Most of the voting members are from developing countries, either by residence or by origin, but the WG is open for anyone seriously interested in our topic and willing to contribute in some way. There is no fee. Membership applications are considered once a year by our parent body within the IFIP, Technical Committee 9 Computers and Society.
We are working on a new membership management system. Which will be accessible through this site shortly.
This will allow you to receive an electronic newsletter, apply for voting membership in the WG, or subscribe to online discussion forums.
The IFIP WG 9.4/COMSEC-IT Newsletter is also available on-line.