JITIM Special Issue |
Special Issue: Cloud Computing Migration and Adoption Journal of International Technology and Information Management Special Issue: Cloud Computing Migration and Adoption Journal of International Technology and Information Management Editors: Ian Allison, Julian Bass, Gordon Baxter and Ramesh Subramanian
Journal of International Technology and Information Management (JITIM, ISSN: 1543-5962), is the official journal of the IIMA (www.iima.org). JITIM, in its 22nd year of publication, publishes quality manuscripts which make significant contributions to theory, knowledge, and practice in the areas of information systems, information technology and information resources management. The JITIM is published quarterly.
International Information Management Association (IIMA) invites you to submit an article to a Special Issue of the Journal of International Technology and Information Management on Cloud Computing Migration and Adoption.
Cloud computing provides global access to Internet hosted services and applications that can be scaled up or down and charged on a pay-as-you-go basis. Cloud deployment enables new entrants to develop markets without requiring significant initial capital investment for hardware infrastructure. New entrants can focus on sustainable revenue models that scale with their growing customer base. Alternatively, applications that suffer substantial demand variations make server utilisation planning problematic problems. Deploying applications as scalable services simplifies utilisation planning problems. For large enterprises, deployment of services on private clouds has shifted architectural priorities.
The rhetoric on the benefits of cloud deployment has now reached a peak. However, knowledgeable specialists recognise that migration of services and applications to the cloud raise new socio-technical challenges. These socio-technical challenges include organisational factors for both consumers and providers. We are soliciting high quality research articles across the full range of socio-technical issues relating to cloud deployment. Submissions with a clearly identified international perspective are particularly welcome.
Decision-making processes for cloud adoption and management are still in their infancy. Migrating existing IT products to a cloud-based service can create organisational, technical, financial and legal challenges. Providers change their infrastructure to support cloud-based services, as they gain understanding of service planning, development, and deployment. Consumers must evaluate complex trade-offs to select the type of cloud deployment platform. Subsequently, choosing a specific hosting provider is also challenging. Issues include cost modelling, security and access control, privacy and data protection, mobility of services, and the support of end users. There is paucity of research on cloud adoption and migration from an international perspective so this special issue is dedicated to the topic.
The Special Issue will publish innovative and original research and practice-based articles. We are seeking original manuscripts that may be state-of-the-art survey papers on cloud computing, reviews on emergent topics, comparison and analysis reports, case studies, experimental reports, historical analysis or industry reports on experience and lessons. We seek articles that offer experiential and/or theoretical perspectives. Articles that are based on quantitative, qualitative or mixed research methodologies are acceptable.
So the issue seeks paper on subjects including but not limited to:
Manuscripts submitted for JITIM should not exceed 25 pages, including tables, figures and references. An abstract of 100 words or less must be included on a separate page. Name(s) of author(s), affiliations, and short biographies of author(s) should appear only on a separate title page. Authors should follow the Guidelines for Submission which is available either in each issue of JITIM or on JITIM’s website at http://www.iima.org/New%20Downloads/Guideline.htm
Manuscripts, preferably in MS Word format via email attachment, can be directly e-mailed to the Editor at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . The normal refereeing standards will apply. Manuscripts are blind-reviewed by two reviewers. Authors will normally be notified of the status of their papers within 2 months of submission and if selected for the special issue the paper will be published within a special issue targeted for December 2013. Other papers of the appropriate standard may be published at a later date.
The deadline for the special issue is 31st May 2013 The Editor will be happy to answer any questions from prospective authors.
Sincerely, J.P.P. (Pascal) Ravesteyn PhD Editor of JITIM HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, The Netherlands Phone: E-Mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Submissions via: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Want to download an example copy of JITIM? Go to: http://www.iima.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=49&Itemid=54 Submitted articles should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Important dates – Initial full submission: 31 May 2013 – Notification of acceptance: 21 July 2013 – Revised submissions : 30 August 2013 – Final acceptance notification: 30 Sept 2013 |