About eBario Knowledge Fair
The e-Bario Knowledge Fair (eBKF) is a bi-annual conference, held in the village of Bario, Malaysia, which showcases the use of ICTs for rural development. It is conducted in conjunction with the local community, bringing together researchers, practitioners and policy makers with the
residents of Bario and the wider Kelabit indigenous ethnic community. The eBKF is a pioneering example of Development Conferencing, the process by which development specialists articulate their plans and share their ideas together with the people whose lives they are trying to improve, and in their own surroundings.

The Third Knowledge Fair will adopt a theme of Technological Innovation for Indigenous Peoples. As part of this, and with the assistance of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Knowledge Fair will feature the Asian recipients of grants under the IFAD’s Indigenous
Peoples Assistance Facility (26 projects in 13 countries) with particular reference to their potential use of Information and Communication Technologies and sources of renewable energy in support of development for Indigenous Peoples.

Additional contributions are also sought that can stimulate further debate on the applicability and deployment of these technologies towards solutions to the specific problems faced by Indigenous Peoples. As eBario has been awarded Malaysia’s first license to operate a community radio station, the Third eBario Knowledge Fair will include a focus on the use of community radio for engaging with indigenous issues.

Suggested topics
The topics for regular sessions include, but are not limited to:


  • Preservation of cultural heritage with ICTs

  • ICTs and environmental protection

  • ICTs and climate change

  • Giving voice; new media for public debate

  • Traditional knowledge; collection, preservation and intellectual property rights

  • Creativity, adaptation and indigenisation of ICTs for social transformation

  • Indigenising ICT4D

  • ICTs for community mapping and community memory

  • Renewable energy for ICTs

The eBKF is informal, inclusive and participative. The Third eBario Knowledge Fair will adopt a range of knowledge sharing methods in addition to formal paper presentations. We therefore invite contributions that address the general theme; either as academic research papers or detailed
suggestions for a knowledge-sharing activity e.g., using one of the following methods; Chat Show, Fish Bowl, Storytelling, and World Café. (See for a description of these).

Important dates

  • Extended Abstract:September 30, 2011 (NEW - SPECIAL EXTENSION for IFIP WG9.4 members)

  • Notification of acceptance: August 25, 2011

  • Full submission: September 30, 2011

Paper submission
Information regarding the paper format and submission process will be made available on the eBario Knowledge Fair 2011 primary website:

For further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at or email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


The eBario Knowledge Fair is co-organised by eBario Telecentre Management Committee, and

Institute of Social Informatics and Technological Innovations, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.


The eBario Knowledge Fair is a IFIP WG9.4 Event.