Call for Hosting the 2017 IFIP W.G. 9.4 Conference
The IFIP Working Group 9.4 is seeking proposals for hosting the 14th IFIP WG 9.4 International Conference on the Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries to be held in May 2017. Discussion with previous conference chairs has led to the following criteria which will be considered by the committee in selecting the hosts.
Proposed Venue and Logistics
  • Conference venue should be within (or related to) an academic institution (desirable).  Typically, the venue is a hotel.  Given the nature of the conference, the hotel room rates should be reasonable.  A range of accommodation options should be available within walking distance of conference venue.  It is also desirable to have available student accommodation at a lower cost than hotel accommodation (e.g. dormitories).
  • Conference venue should be accessible by public transport (or hotel transfer from the arrival international airport should be arranged at a reasonable cost).
  • Issue of general security of attendees is naturally a consideration.
General Conference Organization
Typically, the conference has the following officers:
  • Conference Chair – the norm is to have co-chairs with one of the co-chairs being from the “global south” (typically the host country).  The conference chair (or co-chairs) have overall responsibility for the conference including financial responsibility.  One of the conference co-chairs can be the program or academic chair (more below).
  • Program (or academic chair) – the norm once again is to have co-chairs with one of the co-chairs being from the “global south”.  The program chair(s) have the responsibility for the academic part of the conference including issuing Call for Papers, soliciting submissions, forming the Program Committee, managing the review process, deciding on acceptance of submissions and developing and coordinating the program.  Program chair(s) should have a track record of contribution within the Working Group and enough experience to draw on the resources of those in the area to review and assist in the academic side of the conference.
Conference Financial Issues
Conference organisers do not have an assigned conference budget to work with as IFIP 9.4 works on a very low budget (for developmental reasons).  This means that conference organisers have to be prepared to take the financial risk of running the conference and also be prepared to pay advance booking costs.  The ability to facilitate electronic registration and conference fee payments would be preferable. In practice, WG 9.4 has considerable experience in running these conferences which organisers can draw on, but there remain financial responsibilities to be considered.
Expression of Interest
If interested in hosting the IFIP WG 9.4 2017 Conference, please send a 1 page proposal, including a proposed venue and names of Conference Officers, to the IFIP WG 9.4 Officers: Chair, Maung Sein  ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) and Secretary, Arlene Bailey ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) by Friday April 24, 2015.  Shortlisted proposals will be invited to give a presentation at the IFIP WG 9.4 Conference in Negombo, Sri Lanka in May 2015.