PhD Graduate Student Track
Working Group 9.4 is entitled “Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries” and is part of
the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP). The aims of the group are to further our
understandings amongst researchers, policy makers and the public on social implications of computers in
developing nations. We have a bi-annual conference, the last being in Kathmandu, Nepal
( and the next in Jamaica 2013.
In addition to the other conference tracks, we are seeking full papers from PhD candidates for the IFIP 9.4
conference in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, May 2013. Papers from the full spectrum of interests in ICT4D are
solicited, including those in the areas of the other conference tracks. The submissions will be full papers,
following the conference submission guidelines.
The PhD Track conference session will facilitate some feedback and discussion on the papers accepted.
The papers will be included in the conference proceedings.
IPID is glad to sponsor registration fees worth SEK2000 to some students with accepted papers preferably who are (i) affiliated with any of Swedish universities and/or (ii) citizen of the least developed countries. After receiving a confirmation on acceptance of paper for the conference, authors will be welcome to apply with a brief motivation letter.
Submission of Papers: Friday 1stFebruary 2013 to
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Decisions on papers: 6th March 2013
Camera-Ready Submission: April 2013 *
* Exact dates will be provided along with decisions
Track Co-Chairs
Dr Julian M. Bass |
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Robert Gordon University, UK |
Prof Robert M. Davison
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City University of Hong Kong
Dr Devinder Thapa
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Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Track Committee (confirmed, so far)
Jay Chen
New York University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Andy Dearden
Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Åke Grunland
Orebro University, Sweden
Dan Harnesk
Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Niall Hayes
University of Lancaster, UK
Sirajul Islam
Orebro University, Sweden
Anirudha Joshi
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Richa Kumar
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Brian Nicholson |
Manchester Business School, UK |
Tero Påivarinta
Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Renata Lèbre La Rovere
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Öystein Sabo
University of Agder, Norway
Maung K. Sein
University of Agder, Norway
Chris Westrup
Manchester Business School, UK